Monday, September 12, 2011

The work for men not likes the work for women, why?

The work for men not likes the work for women, why?
In my country, Algeria, in the university women number are more than men, and in the work market, I think they are more too.
Is that good indicator for our development, I think absolutely not?
There are big differences between, men and women, yes women has her mind, she can be like a men in the work and sometimes better in some kind of work. But we have to remember the difference between men and women in their body and mind, that make women suffer more when she work, her body is weaker than the men's, her mind is feminine, she is more romantic and kind than men, and more than that the most of women has to get pregnant and giving birth, all of this make a women has to choose between stay feminine or working and being as men in the most cases.
The results of women working are below:
1-less opportunities and jobs for men
2-less care and love for kids and that will give problems in their personality when they grow up
3-women suffering more without any benefit for the society
4-interaction and attraction between men and women in the work place that mean more cheating and more divorce
5-working for women mean women has to leave her home alone and because she is weaker, she may get raped or stolen.
Of course some women have to work, because she didn't have a man to work in her place. Beside we need women in some works for example: as a kid’s teacher, as a women’s teacher, as a women’s doctor (for me I prefer to take my wife to a women doctor)
I think the role of women is in the same importance as the role of men when she make from a house a beautiful home, when she take care of her husband and kids, when she nurture the real men and real women for the best future, this is why Allah make women and men.


Please I need a review , you can find my video in this link, please tell me if you can understand my pronunciation

Thank you very much

1 comment:

  1. The women have only one place,the Home, and one job,his husband and their children.
